Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Women are Safe...

...As the Packers won this afternoon. Most people in the know understand that I know shit about absolutely nothing when it comes to football. This may be the first game that I watched all of the way through all season. Congrats are deserved for the noodle-armed retiree. Like most people, I think, I was worried that this would become one of those games that they are down and he throws a bunch of picks. Instead, we are treated to a three touchdown performance. I was also wrong about that Grant fellow. I was never on the band wagon as far as he was concerned, but 200+ yards and three TD's for himself is impressive to say the least. So like I said, the women of Green Bay are safe for another least until the Packers get their collective asses handed to them by the Cowboys.


Linkydinks said...

simma down now slick. im not a favre fan but i am happy the women around the state don't have to be hit for the loss... people fuckin' suck.

Chopper said...

My wife wasn't safe, thats all I am saying. If the Pack doesn't win by 30 points, she hears about it.