Wednesday, January 30, 2008

That Was a Rip Off

So they kept me there until about 1pm. They kept calling peoples names, but I was forced to sit and watch that horrible movie for most of the day. The best part was the video that they made us watch at around 8:30. They said that they thanked me for doing my civic duty. When they finally called mt name, they told me that I was done. I did not have to return tomorrow. 25 or so people suffered the same fate, so no, it wasnt because I smelled like the bottom of a gin bottle. On the plus side, my "I'm a Juror" sticker got me into the museum for free. So I wandered around there for a while, but left when there were too many loud groups of gradeschoolers. Now I dont get to go back for 4 years...Back to Jury Duty that is.


Chopper said...

They should have played you the comedy classic Jury Duty featuring the always hilarious Pauly Shore.

Muntaba Lambego said...

make it a dbl feature with Bio Dome