Thursday, January 3, 2008

I Can Breathe a Bit Easier

Apparently, the results have been tallied, and the nice former first lady is going to come in third place in the "all-important" Iowa Caucus. Thats a load off of my mind, as she does have the most money...

On the other side of the aisle, the former Gov. of Mass. has fallen to a former preacher who thinks that the world sprung from the Divine hand of the thing that runs the universe. Man I am going to hell.

Money quote...and sad as it is as they have all become useless now:
In interviews as they entered the caucuses, more than half of all the Republicans said they were either born-again or evangelical Christians, and they liked Huckabee more than any of his rivals.

1 comment:

Chopper said...

Is this Muntaba's blog or edGrimley's blog? Where am I?