Sunday, February 28, 2010

If Only, EOM Edition

Notice the sad faces of the dudes.

1995, we hardly knew ye.

I hate this guy. But this is funny.

Need a job?

More from the fucking hippies.

This person is for sure an idiot. And a hippie.

You people who actually get to travel for work should use this.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Concentrate All Fire Power on that Other SEC School

In an effort to make their name less offensive, Mississippi State is trying to change their this.

In other news, it is a 90 minute drive on I-43 from Brown Deer Rd. to the Marquette interchange. Good luck. Lake effect snow is awesome.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Still Dinking Aroud

In the spirit of Sunday Videos, I come across this gem. All these videos all in a row. I don't know what to do. Maybe I'll make a pizza and go to bed.

Sunday Videos sounds a bit like Dan Potthast

The tune is good, but the intro had the idea.

Fucking Internets are slow.


After a long nonsensical rant on Muntaba's page, it made me think about this tune...Who is better?

The original OPIV version?

Or the low-grade Ska version?


The Skas the Limit.

Have a couple extra 45 mil?

He has tears that cure cancer.

The first one is the best.

Problem solved.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Job Opening

This looks perfect. The only problem is that Chopper's ex-wife(ves) may come out against me.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Who cares? All I care about is sweet shots on 18 to win tournaments.

Cheating on your wife is commonplace. Happens all the time. And we hear about athletes who do this every day. When she hits you with a golf club(allegedly), that's just nuts.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


So I had to run some errands tonight.(ps this post will contain no links) At one point, I am behind a car with so much exhaust that it made it difficult to see. So much in fact that the smoke lasted for 3 blocks.

He had some sort of "stop global warming" sticker on his bumper.


Yes that's correct.

So here is what I'm seeing...

You are all about making the earth greener and eliminating our dependence on fossil fuels. Yet your car emits some sort of crud that pretty much is the equivalent of an environmental death machine. Cool dude.

No...This car was not an electric model. It was an old Honda or Mazda.

It is really cool that people are driving cars that last a really long time, like this guy, because it was old. Talking like '85 Intreped. It saves money, and prevents you from spending more. But the fact that you want people to recycle and shit. And the fact that your sticker says that you do make you an asshole.

Here's why...

Everybody is a hypocrite. I am. You are. And all of your friends have double standards. For example...You dig the death penalty but you will not abide by abortion. Or the reverse...You think that abortion is OK but the death penalty is not cool.

What is the difference?

(Digression) I recycle more every day than most people will in their entire life.

Why would you have a bumper sticker promoting an environmental lifestyle on a car like that? You probably think that because you take all of your Pabst cans and put them in the single recycle bin, you are doing a good thing. Or maybe you take all of your newspaper and shred them and put them in your compost pile. How about making sure your milk cartons don't end up in a landfill?

Now I am not saying I am better than you, mister "I drive a shitty car". Everybody has to go places. In fact, I don't bother to recycle anything in my own house. Nor do I drive an environmentally conscious car, although I get 35 mpg.

I am just saying that maybe you should think about what you are presenting yourself as. Think about why you have that bumper sticker and then about what you are actually doing, or your car is doing. Are you really true to what you are thinking day to day?

Talk to me when you need a tank of gas. Just don't try to tell me that you need it to get home.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Didn't You See Blood Diamond??

This guy is British. Under normal circumstances, they have some good articles. This one...I take issue with. He is talking about the movie coming out called Shutter Island. But he refuses to believe that DiCaprio can pull of a sort of angry type detective. He is an asshat. or a dickbag, whatever you want.

This guy, drinking homemade booze, explains his situation. Not to mention the fact that he did all kinds of shit with guns and killing and all of the good shit, in the movie back story. And Jennifer Connelly is hot. But I digress.

When Scorsese makes a movie, and this dude is in it, it will be good. So get your teeth fixed you limey asshole, and let Scotland be it's own country.

Fuckers wont let me embed this shit.

As far as the hitchcok stuff...Good for him.

Fantasy Draft

The first Fantasy Football Draft I ever had, played this tune like 15 times. Which is better?

Or this one?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Collection of Tunes for VD

See that? I made a joke...Here are some songs from my favorite band that make you feel more alone than normal. Fear not. FWTI is below this one.

I hope I can read your obits tomorrow.

Who could forget this one?

Merry Christmas

And for the married ones...

FYI...That partical man song they are known for is useless.

This one does'nt fit the theme, but screw you anyway. "Everybody dies frustrated and sad."

I Heart Fun with the Internets

This is not the site you're looking for.

Extremely racist time waster.

Perfect manners on V-Day.

Yes, I do not heart Apple.

Long, but let it run in the background for a while.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Although Slow and Dangerous Behind the Wheel

This is a good one. They do serve a purpose, however illegal.

Just When You Thought

I don't have any interest.

Don't get me wrong. I dig the whole sci-fi thing. But you must really have to be an idiot to do this. If it is your weekly protest, the "earth" will not help you against the army you are up against. Blue paint can't stop tear gas ladies.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Evreyone Loves Sheep

This is one of the most bizarre political ads I have ever seen. I think that it is a rep v. a rep too. How much did it cost?

And what difference does it make in California?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I Guess this is a Big Day

Have fun with this one.

Another time waster.

The best thing since sliced bread is a conspiracy?

More information.


I don't get it...


2 different versions of the same tune. Which is better?


before the guyliner...

Simple Question

I don't know the answer. But is this a good thing? I mean, they can't work, so they can't dig a deeper hole. In other news...If this much snow fell here, would it be a big deal?

Thursday, February 4, 2010


So since I don't burn grits in my apt anymore, I have to go outside. The people that do the same are pretty interesting. They don't ask what my name is, and they don't ask where I live. Though they can see me go into my apt when I am done.

1) Student dude
This guy is pretty cool. He is trying to be some sort of college professor and he has been in school as long as I was. He also makes fun of the homeless dude who sleeps on the bench in the mail area.

2) Maintenance guy
This guy moved from Madison for this job. He is pretty cool, but retains the Mad Town hippie attitude. He once talked to me about a "street-board" for snowboarding when there is nothing left to do.

3) Out of Work Man
This guy pre-paid his rent for a long time, so he tells me. He likes to watch movies but rents them instead of the other options. He likes to talk about football. Which I know nothing about.

4) Broken foot dude
This guy told me that he woke up with a foot that he could not walk on. He was drunk the night before. I cant imagine what happened.

5) Crazy Marine
I don't know if he is. But he does stand behind me awkwardly and does not say many things past the formal "whats up man."

6) Homeless guy
He sleeps on the bench in the lobby sometimes. He rants about some job forcing him to retire and asks for beer.

All in all, it works. No one talks about personal information(names) and the conversation is still quite good. Crazy Marine stands there and acts ominous and Student-dude's conversation is usually good. I tell him what college was like in the 90's. Maintenance guy explains the complexity of using sand for the roads in winter and how it is better than salt. All the while homeless dude tries to interject, but he is usually about 3 malt liquors in and you can't make sense of what he says.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Talking Pictures

Denzel Washingtin is awesome. Top two?

The Mighty Quinn

Man On Fire

Which one is better?