Thursday, February 4, 2010


So since I don't burn grits in my apt anymore, I have to go outside. The people that do the same are pretty interesting. They don't ask what my name is, and they don't ask where I live. Though they can see me go into my apt when I am done.

1) Student dude
This guy is pretty cool. He is trying to be some sort of college professor and he has been in school as long as I was. He also makes fun of the homeless dude who sleeps on the bench in the mail area.

2) Maintenance guy
This guy moved from Madison for this job. He is pretty cool, but retains the Mad Town hippie attitude. He once talked to me about a "street-board" for snowboarding when there is nothing left to do.

3) Out of Work Man
This guy pre-paid his rent for a long time, so he tells me. He likes to watch movies but rents them instead of the other options. He likes to talk about football. Which I know nothing about.

4) Broken foot dude
This guy told me that he woke up with a foot that he could not walk on. He was drunk the night before. I cant imagine what happened.

5) Crazy Marine
I don't know if he is. But he does stand behind me awkwardly and does not say many things past the formal "whats up man."

6) Homeless guy
He sleeps on the bench in the lobby sometimes. He rants about some job forcing him to retire and asks for beer.

All in all, it works. No one talks about personal information(names) and the conversation is still quite good. Crazy Marine stands there and acts ominous and Student-dude's conversation is usually good. I tell him what college was like in the 90's. Maintenance guy explains the complexity of using sand for the roads in winter and how it is better than salt. All the while homeless dude tries to interject, but he is usually about 3 malt liquors in and you can't make sense of what he says.


Chopper said...

If Snow.Man's dad is bothering you guys and your gay-outdoor-hippie-smoking fest, just tell him to go home.

edgrimly said...

If Snow.Man's Dad was upsetting this delicate balance, my knife would do the talking.