Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Thanks For Messing It Up For the Normals

While I am at it, what the fuck is this? I like my dishes clean. And I dont like hippies. But if it takes more water, what is the difference?

has taken to washing his dishes on his machine's pots-and-pans cycle, which takes longer and uses five gallons more water.

Isnt this the age of the crazy tech breakthroughs that solve all of our problems? Isnt there an "eco-friendly" solution for these phosphates that pollute the lakes and rivers? Nonetheless, I am pretty happy that I have a Lichtenstinean midget to wash my dishes for me.

Because I Do Not Post Enough

What do you think of when you hear "Miss Universe" and "Guantanamo Bay" in the same sentence? Well, its a "loooot of fun" of course!! Although I can get behind the use of hot chicks to raise the moral of the marines, what kind of an article is this?

reference to the hospitality she received while meeting the members of the U.S. military

I can let you think on your own on that one. Or how about this...

We also met the Military dogs, and they did a very nice demonstration of their skills. All the guys from the Army were amazing with us

Lots of people have a lot of reasons why this place should be shut down. Really, I dont care about all of that. The fact that you would put something on a national news wire that says grand things about a prison, whatever and wherever said prison is, is a bit messed up.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

In a Post TRL Society

Karl Popper may disagree.

I would not want to run into this guy in a dark alley.

Some days are like this.

This is one of the great questions.

If this is true, life will be much better.

Apple is less cool.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I Dont Care About the Presidents NCAA Bracket

I used to know a dude named Craig.

Fun with lawsuits.

Gravitational Tidal Force.

Another interesting experiment.

You might remember me from other educational videos such as...

This guy makes an interesting argument.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day of Days

Yes, I get up this early for work. And since I am working all day today before getting mind-numbingly drunk, here is something to tide you over on the best holiday not called my birthday.

UPDATE 12:07pm I had to leave the local because some shitfaced cock-wallet in a shirt and tie bumped me one to many times and spilled my whiskey. May the wind be at your back...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dont Try This at Home

Fucking Hippies.

Cheap ass.

Keep your eyes open for flying bats and balls.

The kids are all right.

I know this guy...

Monday, March 9, 2009


So in my new found internets capability, I ran into this one. Sure hes old, sure he doesnt update the score, outs, or other needed parts of the radio broadcast. But he is one of the best. I would put him up there with Scully and Harwell, though I have never really heard those guys. And, he has 2 robot hips. Bad Ass.

The "commedian" is a D-Bag.


After most of a Sunday/Monday morning with no internets, I am finally able to read things(porn).

Welcome to hippie school. We dont teach joint rolling.

For the people who think illegal music is cool.

I hate Existentialists almost as much as hippies.

Wait a minute, this is not a zombie...

What you wanted to know, but never wanted to find out.

A popsicle comes to mind.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

On Second Thought...

You might just want to run a comb through them. Or how about "Shut you're mouth, if you knew what was good for you you pumpkin pie hair cut freak." It is on TV. Since there arent many cuss words, I have my evening planned despite the scenes that are left out.

"They got the monkeys...they were a major influence on the beatles." I hate the beatles.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I Will Never Say Something Like this Again

"Derrick Turnbow should be traded for a bag of baseballs."

For fear that Mr Turnbow's delicate sensibilities will be damaged to the extent that he returns to his life of drug and alcohol abuse, later overdosing on numerous different drugs. Wait...maybe in his(Turnbow's) case, I can make an exception.

"People are like, 'I'd kill myself' and stuff," Odom said at the time, dismissing any such notion..."

Sunday, March 1, 2009

It Does Not Get Better

I dig Zepplin. Understand that. But sine they are long gone, at least when they were young. I give you this cover...In my opinion, the best tune by those guys.

Unless they're Over 40

God dammit I love Star wars.

For those that dig acting.

Goodnight world.

Good luck on that ace.

Story of my life, deal with it.