Sunday, January 13, 2008

Who Do You Vote For???

Here it is, I am not a Democrat or a liberal. But I sure dislike those dang God-talking Republicans. The fact remains...Who will you people vote for? Hillary or Bill? Frankly, I am tired of all of the "Bill says this" articles. You are making my enjoyment of this important subject a waste. Sure, he did a large amount of things for the Irish, props, but come on. He was a good President, his wife would not be. Most people who have independent thoughts would agree. So stop schlepping around with your name for fucks sake. I dont "feel her pain" for being a woman. She chose that road, and knew it would be a tough one. Go smoke some grass, dont inhale of course, and make sure the books in your library are good ones. Dont tell people that your "wife" is not getting a fair shake. Find a hot college girl, bang her, and do your fucking job.


Chopper said...

She chose to be a woman? Does Bill know about her surgery?

Muntaba Lambego said...

Edgrimly says Bill Clinton was a good president, have we seen the 1st sign of the apocalypse?

edgrimly said...

Dogs and cats, living together, mass hysteria.

Linkydinks said...

I'm sorry - I'm stuck on the "she chose that road" comment as well...when exactly is the choice to be a man or woman made available to you?... And she must have been pretty smart right out of the dick to know it was going to be a tough road...
drink up johnny.