Saturday, January 19, 2008

Oh Those Crazy Chinese

One of the remaining few communist countries in the world is up to some tricks again, and not the kind with the happy ending. It looks like, in their haste to build an Olympic stadium, they have covered up the deaths of 10 workers. No doubt paid barely nothing to do such a daunting task. Emphasis mine in the quote.

The conservative estimate of 10 accidental deaths since construction began on the stadium in 2003 was reached by comparing numerous accounts from witnesses who worked at the site at different periods.

It does not include any deaths at other Olympic venues under construction in Beijing and across China as the nation enters a final frenzy of preparation for a mass celebration of patriotism and Communist party propaganda.


Anonymous said...

Communism hasn't killed anyone who didn't deserve it. It's the capitalists that choose to fight it that have killed innocent people. Such capitalists are fighting to oppress the innocent. These capitalists have no moral justification for doing so. As we know, capitalism (imperialism) is the reason for the countless wars that reak havok and death to our world. If a reactionary chooses to take up arms against them and their struggle for true freedom, can you blame the communists for fighting off evil?

Anonymous said...

If Communism has killed 100 million then capitalism has killed 100 trillion. In their fight for the "freeing" of everyone they have bombed Panama, Iraq, Vietnam, and invaded many other countries. Communism is solution for the extermination of poverty in Latin America and third world countries but Americans are scared of it simply because they wouldn't be able to manipulate these third world countries to do as they please. Communist countries wouldn't allow the exploitation of workers while the foreign capitalist country makes all the profit. They wouldn't allow foreign governments to impose prices and tax on products being exported and they certainly would allow a free trade policy that takes away the sovereignty of a country politically and economically to benefit these capitalist countries.

Anonymous said...

Cuba wouldn't be so bad off and their wouldn't be so much criticism from Fidel Castro or Hugo Chavez if America just accepted the political ideologies of these countries. Supposedly we have freedom of thought and speech in America but it doesn't apply much. Cuba wouldn't be running on russian 1670's cars and people would be better off if America just accepted. Only then maybe tensions between Capitalist and Communists would alleviate and both countries would be better off.

Anonymous said...

China isn't communist anymore. Sure, it calls itself that, but it isn't. China's one of the most fascist capitalist countries I know of in the modern world. It's big businesses are barely regulated for standards of safety or otherwise. That wouldn't happen in communism.

Besides, capitalism has killed way more people than communism has.

Anonymous said...

Communism hasn't killed anyone? Oh, that's right because it's never been achieved in its "perfect" form. So therefore Communism hasn't ever existed. Right? Just a bunch of men who wanted to force their selfish, fascist reasons. You want examples? Stalin, Lenin, Fidel, Che, Hugo. I'm getting sick of just thinking of them. But, I can't possibly comprehend things as you can. You are so philosophically advanced than I am. Right?

mdawg said...

Communism hasnt killed anyone that didnt deserve it? does that include the millions of people that have died within these communist countrys that opposed the rules set down by them from their facist leaders through an iron fist?
Capitlism favours the hard working and motivated, the caring and honesty. Even communism in its "perfect form", although a great idea would not be accepted by anybody, it favours the lazy and greedy. Also the system is always corrupt, thats why capitalists fight these wars, its not to fire their new weapons like the americans seem to love. but its to protect the people of the world who we have a duty as a established world to protect. although war is not my prefferd answer in my opinion there is no other way and if i got called upon myself to fight a war for the freedom of a set of people banned from the everyday liberties that we expericence everyday such as freedom of speech and rewards for the hard working then i would answer the call, not as a way of killing people but as a way of freeing people. half the people fighting for the communists are fed miss information through the massive propoganda machines called their goverment, its not the soliders i would be fighting agianst but the sick indiviuals that mess with the system and use it to their own gain of power and wealth, which the west does not accpet and as a british citizen i am proud to say i would not stand for myself.

Anonymous said...

Communism did not kill anyone who did not deserve it huh? So I guess Tibetans deserved to be killed along with South Vietnese, South Koreans, Afghanistanis, millions of Russians, Chinese and Laosians that just wanted some food to eat. Yeah, I guess they deserved to die. But can you explain why they deserved to die?

Oh, I forgot to mention the thousands who have died in most of Central American from Communist related activity.

Communism just ends up killing the people it is supposed to protect. Communists fight wars just like Capitalists. Communists invade countries to take away their rights while Capitalist countries liberate people who are oppressed.

The major differences are people in a Capitalist country do not die enmass from food shortages and they have a pretty high degree of freedom in which they can conduct their lives.

Communism takes away freedom so that everyone can be equal...equally poor and oppressed.

Anonymous said...

Personally I think that communism is neither good or bad. There's no such thing as good or bad anymore. But one thing I really don't like about communism is how Russia lost so many people in World War II a lot of starving death, and other unbelievable crazy thing because of communism. But one thing i've noticed with communistic countries. People really want to work hard. They want to achieve. One reason why the U.S is "falling behind".