Saturday, January 26, 2008


So the dude, Chopper, gave me a bunch of crap for not blogging during the week. Hey cool man, So I dont get as angry as him. But here are a couple things that got me a bit pissed tonight, besides the shots...

Since it was my second Friday at the bar in a row...

So I am talking to this lady...She has a boyfriend...And we are having a nice, stimulating, conversation. This dude comes up, whom she knows, and starts talking about movies. Anyone who knows me knows that it is very few and far between that I attend the theatre. He said, and I quote, "No Country For Old Men" was terrible, with more words of course as he was a hippie. I refreained from my usual diatribe against those types of people but come on...It was a fucking great movie. I am sorry, actor boy, if you dont get the intelligent things. Ooooooo whats her name and whats that movie about things that should win the Oscar? Oh yeah, something shitty, beacause of the acting. Try watching movies without some type of "holier than thou because I am an actor" type of attitude.

So I go to the water closet. Some asshole is fixing his hair in front of a mirror that does not exist. That means that he was making his hair look exactly right in front of no mirror. For fucks sake man...The slut you are taking home is not going to care about the way your hair looks outside of your hat in an hour. "Excuse me...I have to make sure my hair looks just frilly right outside of my stocking cap." Lady...this is Wisconsin. It is cold. And it is this way every year. Fuck style, stay warm. Daddy walks to his car every morning, in the less than zero temperatures, and drives 45 minutes to work. How bad do you really have it you yuppie piece of shit?
anger ranting angriest post of ought 8? Star the poll you bastard.


Chopper said...

Dude a living female talked to you, nice! Most people that breath oxygen are ignorant assholes, that wouldn't know a good movie it were fucking the bar whore they were hoping to take home that night.

Feed the anger.

Linkydinks said...

dude - either the drugs i got are affecting me more than i thought or i'm just dumb because i didn't follow half the shit in this one...