Sunday, January 6, 2008

So I made a Lady Cry...

First let it be said that she is a great girl. A fantastic lady that is going to be the wife of my friend...good friend. And granted I was hammered. But I rose my voice...and I am sorry. Even Muntaba could not think of a time when that happened, and I have known him for over 10 years. maybe 13 years. Word to the wise...Dont piss of an Irishman when he is drunk. Dont call me a manager at Denney's when I am drunk...The real edgrimly made an appearance that he is not proud of. I am deeply sorry and apologise(sp). I will still drive you to your car in the morning...because I am Bad-Ass.


Chopper said...

I still have no idea what it means to call someone the manager of Denny's. I even looked in my Big Book of Metaphors.

Muntaba Lambego said...
