Sunday, March 21, 2010

I Am Not a Certified Life Coach

Pudding can improve your life.

Even though the title is French, these are important lessons.

Even though dude is Canadian, this is an important experiment.

Why you can't trust Facebook.

And this may be useful for our more absent minded readers. You know who you are.

1 comment:

Chopper said...

Speaking of scams, is that cell phone finder a scam? I could see them just keeping your number for marketing purposes. Pass.

Also on facebook, those random requests come through often (every couple months) and I am not sure what the scam is, I always reject them. There is nothing confidential like credit card numbers on facebook, so I am not sure the scam. However, we get grant money for contacting last year's graduates and see what they are doing this year. I bet a teacher that I could contact more students on facebook than she could on the phone, so far I am winning.