Thursday, October 23, 2008

What I Do While the World Series Is On

So I am watching the world series this evening, go Devil Rays, and an add comes on. It is for some car, but the better point is this...They play the "Space Oddity" by David Bowie. According to my half assed search of the Internets, the song was made in 1969. Now this is a great tune. You cannot deny it. And the fact that a lady is singing it is really cool. I would like to know which lady or group does this version.

But it made me to think about the Elton John tune, Rocket Man. My feeble mind thought that they were made at the same time, so who came first? Dont get me wrong, Rocket Man is one of the few EJ tunes I dig on. But David Bowie is so much cooler because he was in this.

So I wanted to know who followed who. According to
Wikipedia, which has been proven wrong in the past, Rocket Man was made 3 years later but based on a short story. Space Oddity came before, but was a part of the "I like to sing story songs" genre.

So I guess my question is, loyal 4 readers, is which is better? And did Elton John expand, therefore copying a good idea, upon the David Bowie theme? Or did he just think that he could make more money than he already had by singing about space, like the Brit that did it before him.


Chopper said...

First of, if you call Elton John EJ, you like him a lot more than you are willing to admit.

Bowie songs are classic, but some are too epic in nature and do not have the "timeless" nature to them. Imagine if Bowie had played Harley 100 instead of Elton John? Acid trips + Harleys do not mix. Not that openly homosexual British men and Harleys do mix.

Muntaba Lambego said...


Anonymous said...

wow ml, I think i'm getting that as a tattoo