Monday, October 6, 2008


This is why we brought him here. Hes a big game pitcher they said. He plays well in September they said. He is worth 42 million dollars over 4 years they said. Do you understand why you dont long term guys who are playing the back nine? So on the promise of one year of LCS numbers, you throw large amounts of money at this guy? Lets take a look at what he has done in a Brewers uniform. In terms of ERA+, he is exactly average over his career. Not bad, but certainly not good. Not the "late season lock" that he was signed for. But looking at that same number for the last 2 years, he is seriously getting worse. I dont have the patience to break it down by month for last year, but makes it easy for this season. By my feeble estimation, he had 2 good months. Both of which are not September. Both of which are based on wins and ERA, which are flawed. Look at the strikes v the number of pitches. He never once threw more than 64 strikes, I lied as there is a 65 strike outing in there. And in September, for the Brewers, he never threw more than 60 while lasting an average of less than 5 inings in ought 8. In effect, making him ineffective in Sept. An argument can be made that this is worse than the Jeff Hammonds contract. I have to give credit to that comment to a dude I work with.

A good pitcher he is not. What he does do is eat innings, in a sort of half assed and shitty way. He even pitched less innings than glass bodied Ben and rubber arm Dave Bush. And he gives up a lot of taters. At this point the Soup, its not boos its soup, Is no better than a #5 starter and at worse a long guy in the pen. Shit, on this theory, throw crazy money at Dave Bush, at least he gets Ks. Beacause really its sad, no one will pick up that contract, and you dont pay long guys 10 mil to pitch garbage innings.

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