Tuesday, October 7, 2008


So I was all in to it a while back. Now...not so much. One walks around dodging questions, and one hobbles around dodging questions. This is not debate. Debate is when 2 people talk to each other in a civilized manor and each give their respective thoughts. Not to mention that the moderator was more concerned keeping time. There is more sniping than real thought. There is nothing that they said that was new, exciting, and maybe just once for once real. Every word out of their mouths was "he did this." There was no "Hey man, why did you do these things?" Mostly because the moderator was once again more concerned with time. The news networks? Totally different. This tells me that their was no winner. I am American, I only care about winners. The last question was probably the best one. Both showed that they are good orators, but which one said anything? Rhetorical Questions are good for these types of things. They both give the same answer. Neither is the answer. Put it this way. I dont want to pay for other peoples debt and loss based on poor decisions. And I dont want to pay for other peoples poor choices when they have kids at 15, or once again poor decisions. Is there a middle to that question? Some sort of idea that applies to both? No sir. Everybody screws up, and I should not be responsible for all of them. Everybody has skellies. Again, no sir. Both of these guys want me to do that. To do both. If presidential politics always drifts to the middle, they are doing a good job of not letting that happen. At least there is always garbage.

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