Friday, May 23, 2008

Vacation Bitches!

So much like my esteemed colleague, I have taken today as well as Tuesday off from my job. Even baby-fight promoters need to take some time and stop to drink the whiskey, or smell the roses. Whichever you prefer. Since I forgot to turn off the alarm clock, I was up this morning at the unfortunate time of 5am. I have been dinking around on the internets ever since. Here are some interesting things for those of us drinking tequila at 1052 in the AM.

I like the way that this nice lady thinks, except for the whole matricide thing. Next up is to determine my enemies allergies, and we have a winner.

Everyone enjoys a good drunk fight. But why on earth would you try to use a manhole cover? People should hone their fists into the deadliest of weapons.

I doubt that even if this guy had beer, nobody is going to pick him up. Remember that part in Theres Something About Mary? You are talking Limburger when its obviously Bree time baby!!!

Please note that this post is in no way affiliated with the Fun With the Internets(tm) series of posts.


Chopper said...

How is this going to affect Sunday's Fun with the Internets? I'm worried.

edgrimly said...

I added a disclamer for you asshole.

Chopper said...

That's not the first disclaimer added for me.