Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Beacause It Helps Me Sleep at Night

People are really funny when they are stupid, make mistakes, or a combination of being stupid and making mistakes. I thought it was mildly amusing when I glanced at the TV this morning and saw this action. I know I know...The whole program is a joke for already bloated superstars to make more money. Or for pill-popping alcoholics to show off their keen eye for talent.

I would be remiss if I didnt briefly touch on this. I havent tried writing about politics for a while because it has been the same crap for the last 4+ months. Put them in the thunder dome. Anyway...Everyone in the right half of the peanut gallery, as well as those are going nuts. Loving every minute of it. While all the while, their candidate doesnt really look all that good all of the time. Maybe we could revise the rules to make it "three men enter, one man leaves because he is old and bored." Yes, I picked the Karl Rove article on purpose.

And on the fun and happy side of life, this guy wants to make a sequel to a movie that probably will not do all that well. Special effects can only take you so far sir, then you have to start popping pills again. Or doing lines from a hookers ass.

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