Saturday, December 1, 2007

Holy Sh!t...We Are All Going to Die!!!!

So it is snowing/sleeting/raining frozen shards of glass from the sky. So for 4 inches of snow, all of the local TV stations are going nuts with "round the clock" coverage. Ladies ladies ladies, we live in 'Sconi. This happens every year, and unless algore is right, it will continue to happen well into the future. I read somewhere today that grocery stores had people lined up to buy staple food products...milk, eggs, bread. Is this the nuclear war that we have all feared? No, it is a winter storm. Do you think that they go this crazy in Russia when it drops 4 inches of snow on them?

UPDATE: Get a fucking grip people, where do you think this is?


Linkydinks said...

i was on the highway about an hour after it started and the bozo in front of me was going about 12 miles per hour... lame. had to be his first storm or something. it can't be that hard to remember it snows in wisconsin....

Linkydinks said...

oh and if we really think that what we do has no effect on the environment - we're dumb...

Chopper said...

I think the city workers who should be plowing are on strike with the writers. It stopped snowing 4 hours ago and not one plow was out on any major street, or even the highway.

Muntaba Lambego said...

I saw one car upside down off the side of the freeway, and wet snow is heavy

Anonymous said...

i can confirm: people in russia not as dumb