Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Who would Win in a Fight?

The tiger, a female named Tatiana, was the same animal that ripped the flesh off a zookeeper's arm just before Christmas 2006.

You would think that if this same Tiger chewed off a piece of a zookeepers arm, it would have been A) put down then, or B) moved to a safer location. Anyway, who would win in a fight, a Tiger or a Grizzly Bear?


UPDATE 8:41 PM: I believe TV's Jack Hanna. If I appeared that many times on Letterman, you'd believe me too.
Jack Hanna, former director of the Columbus Zoo and a frequent guest on TV, said such a leap would be an unbelievable feat, and "virtually impossible."


Muntaba Lambego said...

Chuck Norris would win

edgrimly said...

It would be a tough fight though.

Chopper said...

I think the fact that bears can stand on two legs and fight gives them an advantage over the tiger who must stay on all fours. Oh yeah and; Bears are Godless-Killing-Machines. Repeat: Bears are Godless-Killing-Machines.

Anonymous said...

I doubt grizzly bears are as agile as Siberian tigers.

Anonymous said...

I think that the tiger would win in the fight, because the tiger is faster and the bears tendicy to stand on two legs in a fight would make it much easier for the tiger to bite at the legs of the bear, eventully biting him down or dieing of blood loss.

Anonymous said...

Check Discovery Channel's Animal Face-Off : Siberian Tiger vs Grizzly.