Wednesday, December 26, 2007

It is Too Bad...

...that all I used was booze and grass. What the heck ever happened to working to achieve goals? Granted, it took me a while...a long while, as well as being the Father to 2 boys I will never meet. But come, take notes, practice your flute as much as you can little soldier, and sooner or later, you can be better than those drugged out hippies.

Money Quote: "I knew the literature and wondered what it felt like," she said.

Other notable things in case you have the attention span of a donkey:

That's why Sarah Tuck, a veteran flutist with the San Diego Symphony, takes them to stave off the jitters that musicians refer to as "rubber fingers."
I bet Charlie Parker would bitch slap this nice lady. For the prescription, not the drug use.

The drugs haven't been tested extensively in healthy people, but their physiological effects in the brain are well understood.
By the way, emphasis...mine.

What patient wouldn't want their surgeon to be completely focused during a life-or-death procedure?
I would rather he/she not be drug addled and strung out whilst performing my bicep enhancement surgery.


Muntaba Lambego said...

"There are not too many occupations where it's really good to be dumb." except president of the USA

Linkydinks said...

grass... that's funny. the 70s called. they want their drug word back... hehe