Saturday, June 14, 2008

I Am Heading to the Bunker... the north woods. I am bringing lots of canned food, beer, and rifles. The reason being is that this is now a medical condition. What in the world are we heading towards people?

However, it may take a year to wean them off the "drug", said Dr Maite Utgès

Why is it that every time a child does something, it is now called an "addiction" or a "sickness"? Why is it that every kid that acts up in grade school is now given drugs to calm them down? Why not just tie them to a tree until they behave?
Yes, I understand that at some point, bad chemicals in people make them do crazy shit, but for fucks sake, buck up. Pharmys and shrinks are not the answer to every problem that afflicts children. What ever happened to being grounded? Or how about not letting them play video games and watch MTV until the damage to the brain is worse than any "recreational" drug? Reading is fundamental folks, and so is enjoying the sunshine. Though we havent had much of that around here lately. Give these kids a baseball and a glove, and tell them that they will play. Problem solved. Take all of this ADD bullshit out on another kid in an organized fashion.


Linkydinks said...

i used to love getting my RIF books when they came around to the very prestigious MPS i attended. i once got a book with Hoboken in the title because i didn't know what the fuck a Hoboken was... lame? i think not.

Chopper said...

So you're telling me that you could stop stalking "women of the night" whenever you wanted to and its not an addiction?

edgrimly said...

I can tell you a lot of things, believing it is a different story.

Muntaba Lambego said...

TV rots your brains!!!