Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Is Very Bad to Steal JoBoo's Rum

So the players union and the league has formed a committee to look into the flimsiness of the maple bats that most players use. The fact is, you cant watch a whole game without seeing one explode into a million pieces. But I dont think that it has anything to do with the type of wood that is used. Ash, Maple, Larch...thats birch to you Americans...all make no difference. It is because the players are worshipping the wrong god. Jesus is good, but the fact remains that he cant hit a curve ball, but I digress. The best part of the article is Lance Berkman waxing poetic...

I just prefer the ash," he said. "It bends a little more than maple. I like the feel of the ball coming off the bat. When a maple bat dies, it's a spectacular occurrence, whereas ash bats slip gently into its good night.

Sorry for the shitty quality, but this is all I could find.

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