Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Where Did It All Begin

I almost fell out of my chair this evening as I read this one. This guy has a point. When did it become cool to take all of the things that we watched as children and make them into movies? I like "The Dukes of Hazard." My Grandpa and I used to watch the shit out of that. Then they made this. I used to really enjoy Garfield as well. Come on, the A-Team, Night Rider, and now the Smurfs? Truth be told, my favorite part of the article is the video linked at the end. I never was a big Smurf fan, and Smurfette never really did it for me. And how many children these days even know what the originals were like? Obviously, talking animal movies and the like are targeted toward children. But what young 30-something couple is going to shell out $60 to take their kids to something that they will never understand?

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