Sunday, June 8, 2008

Who is Going to Sing Koombaya

So it appears that man has been causing global warming since the dawn of time. What are all of the sweet lovable hippies to do when they cant have all night drum circles on the beach? I guess algore was right.

"By all means, I'd rather not have bonfires than have global warming"


Muntaba Lambego said...

They should also ban the use of all gas-powered lawn mowers or other maintenance equipment and vehicles used in the parks. Maybe next they will ban the use of cars in the city's parks. Only people close enough to bike there may use the parks. I would say also ban the use of heating and air conditioning in the parks buildings but Seattle uses mainly hydro power, so its dams don't affect global warming, only salmon. And al gore doesn't have a movie about salmon.

Muntaba Lambego said...

A few of the main contributors to global warming...

1. CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels for energy and transportation.

2. deforestation from agriculture and population growth


1,335. edgrimly's flatulence

3,964. bonfires

Anonymous said...

Actually, if these f_in hippies are burning dead wood that would have otherwise rotted, there reefer parties would be carbon neutral or even slightly net positve. Very unlike that funk comin from EG's ass.

Muntaba Lambego said...

It would depend on the kindling used. If it is twigs then it would be neutral like you said but if it was newspaper that would otherwise get recycled it would take a hit, but if it was twigs i guess it would be neutral like the wood. If rolling papers were used it would still be no net gain because they'd be burned anyway.