Sunday, January 11, 2009


When I turned 30, Chopper and my boy S2bacca were trying to convince me the hip hop was like Jesus. All seeing, all knowing, and has an influence on everything. Hey...thats fine, as most things can be called as such. My problem is with todays "hip hop." I dont think that this is. Nor is this. What ever happend to the good shit? I dont care about the money you're making, or the "bitches" you got. Its sad to say, but even 2pac cant compare to the Tribe. Most importanty, I dont care about your Airforceones, or your gold teeth, or your lame as sports jersey. Give me a beat, and a dude talking about nothing, and I will be happy.

Some old stale urin.

Even this chick gets it...

1 comment:

Chopper said...

So all you need is a beat and a dude talking about nothing, you should come to my classroom.

Seriously though if you like Tribe, check out Q-Tip's solo stuff. His one from October is just like Tribe, but just him instead of the 5 dudes. Same rhythm and beats.