Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year Bitches

Yes, I am home. I guess I caught the bird flu from the "lady" I keep around to keep things cleaned up. Its bad. Anyway, here is something from the local hand out, though they raised their prices.

And I have to ask, really?

When I first read this one, there was a Capital Times article that has this guy, the Sen., saying something like this...(paraphrase)..."What if a guy gets ticketed at 20, then 30, then 40 years old? Is he a felon?"

Probably not. But what about the gut who gets pulled over 7 times in 3 years? To me, that is a menace. And believe me I know menace. I get it. A person who gets pulled over once every 10 years is probably not a bad guy. But there are people here, in this great state of mine, who have been cited for numerous offenses and they get to go about their merry way. Do you know that your first offense here is little more than a traffic ticket?

With that said, happy New Year. I promise to blog more, and get more assertive with the hot secretary that I work with, as well as to get healthy aside from this disease called extreme unaproachableness. Which one is more important? Dont drink and drive.


Muntaba Lambego said...

checkpoints seem extreme. plus they would put a big crimp in my cuban cigar smuggling ring.

Linkydinks said...

i can't wait to see this assertiveness you speak of!