Sunday, November 9, 2008

You Dont Take Sand to a Beach Do You?

Bono Is not as cool as you think.

I cant think of anything funny to say.

Why play a game when you can learn for real?

An oldie but a goodie. I like Wittgenstein,

edgrimly is an asshole. There is never any substance.

A flashback for Chopper.


Chopper said...

Great picture, but your second to last link does not work......amateur.

Muntaba Lambego said...

why is Freud the only one to say to get to the other side?

George W Bush: You're either with the chicken or against the chicken to the road wanting to, of the crossing

edgrimly said...

Because Freud is bunk. Also, it was a good article about why neoconservatives are not conservative. Fuck you examiner.