Saturday, November 22, 2008

Fun With Former VP Nominees

So stumbling around the Internets this afternoon, a came upon this one. While they have good articles sometimes, like when Alec Baldwin or Harry Shear write them, they are generally a bit too left for me. Case in point, the post mentioned above.

If you asked me a few months before the announcement of his running mate, I probably would have taken the wild card of saying Palin. That being said, isnt it kind of like beating a dead horse? I know that there are tons of things to pick on about the nice lady, but wait until she does something monumentally stupid, which is bound to happen sooner or later. Otherwise, we will become so desensatized to it, that it will no longer be funny.

On another note...after reading some of the comments...dont these people know that in order to eat most of the sweet delicious meat that comes from animals, they first have to be killed? I mean, bacon isnt born. They guy doing the killing that keeps looking at the camera is really funny as well.


Linkydinks said...

hush your mouth. my delicious meat products come from a grocery store on pretty styrofoam plates wrapped in fancy saran wrap and you can't tell me any different. (and i have yet to watch this video else i might have to go through with my threat of becoming a vegetarian...) i will happily live in the dark on this one.

Chopper said...

You meant "the post below" not " the post above." By the way, I have a bacon tree in my backyard. Fresh, crisp, and tasty any time I want it.