Wednesday, August 6, 2008

These are the Things I Read About?

Pardon the language meter...What the fuck in the name of the Sweet Zombie Jesus is this??? Yes...Everyone wants to be the everyman candidate but come on.

"Sometimes I win the arm wrestling contest, but foolishly she continues to try to assert her control over the remote," McCain said. "This is a battle that will continue for a long time."

Like what? Until you have forgotten what that thingy with all of the buttons is? Is this what the random bon bon eating housewives across America want to hear about? For fucks sake, most people have made up their minds by now anyhow. Why not put out a fluff piece about TV habits.

He said his television is usually tuned to HGTV, the home and garden cable network, "and I suffer that silently."

Jesus fucking Mary and Joseph get a head on your shoulders. You are running for pres man, assert your god damn dominance.
What is it with these people?
First they spend weeks pissing and moaning about the noodle armed retiree who is on the front page when there is a fucking war on, and now this? Get some spine...ask the good questions...get some real answers...make it easier for those of us who have not for fuck sake decided yet!!! How do you people expect me to exercise the franchise with this drivel? At this point, I sure as shit am not voting for your candidate of choice, and sure as heck fire am not voting for the paper candidate from the other side...TELL ME WHAT TO THINK assholes! Gilligan it is then.

1 comment:

Chopper said...

Read this article about the canidates favorite superhero, tv show, and celebrity

I was going to blog about it but your piece here was angry enough for both of us.

I mean I would hate to focus on the issues.