Friday, August 29, 2008

Stay Classy Beer Town

No, this is not about the Fonze. This is about a city govt. drunk with power. How do you take away an old, mentally unstable guys house? For a untagged van in his driveway? Or to be more clear, his own property. If I owned a home, you can bet that there would be all manner of old household appliances on the front lawn. If only so I can break them more. This is worse than the girl who was arrested for not paying a library fine, though she probably is more aloof to the damage than this old guy. Why not worry about rampant crime, failing schools, or even the noise pollution that will infect the city this weekend. All more important than a $50 parking ticket that probably should not have been issued in the first place.

The Social Security Administration has deemed Tubic mentally and physically disabled since 2001. He has a host of physical diseases and a personality disorder that limits his cognitive functioning, according to documents from the administration.

1 comment:

Chopper said...

Excuse me, failing schools? I think we need to worry about the garbage piling up in this city first.