Tuesday, March 25, 2008

And in Other News

Sure, I could write about the 4000 US Citizens that are now dead, or the fact that Hillarino, yes she deserves a nickname now, misspoke to her adoring fans. It is tough to get the "news" tag people. But I choose to write about this.

As more people leave the office computer, only to log on as soon as they get home, the American Journal of Psychiatry has found addiction to text messaging and emailing could be another form of mental illness.

I have to say this...My Internets were down tonight for about 3 hours and I was forced to curl up in a ball and cry in a corner for the entirety of that time. But thats only one of four criteria listed buddy. Cut me some slack. I am still better than you.

I think in general it's escalating," Dr Kaplan said. "We now all live in an internet world, and it brings with it a range of problems

Down with technology...and up with it at the same time. Lets get it together folks. All of these things are ways of communication not seen by other people, over time. It will all pass in ten years, and no one will care. At least they are not giving people drugs for this "addiction." For fucks sake, I spend 5 days a week sitting in my apartment drinking tequila and sharpening knives...Is there a drug for that? Really, I read the internets. It seems to make me somewhat intelligent, and allows me to be informed. So what if my friends send me links. Muntaba sent me one today that was quite interesting in fact. I will abuse the Internets as much as I please thank you very much, and the skip asshole who thinks these things in the first article referenced can do whatever he pleases. Dont fuck with routine.

1 comment:

Muntaba Lambego said...

David Brooks was riding colbert's coattails in that article. audacity of hopelessness was 'the word' a while back. i wonder if he will notice that and do who's riding my coattails now