Sunday, October 21, 2007

Its Been a While...

So I figured I would dust off the old keyboard and use it for something other than porn.

Ain't the 21st century bad ass? Mice and texting, perfect combination.

I think I heard someone say "Colorado Kool-Aide?"

Those dang Brits, what will they think of next?

And I quote, "Proud and brave warrior."

Weapons from a more civilized age.

Its funny who they let use the Internets these days.

Cant stand this dude, but this is pretty cool.


Chopper said...

I heard your boy Bill Maher was the runner up to Al Gore for the Nobel Peace Prize, maybe next time.

Muntaba Lambego said...

is that the cause of the long time with no posts? to busy celebrating al gore's nobel?

edgrimly said...

Dont talk to me about time between posts pal.