Monday, October 29, 2007

For F@cks Sake

Apparently, the TV writers union is about to go on strike. The results....and the envelope please....More reality TV. My question...havent you people learned anything? These are the top rated TV shows on. People watch survivor and the amazing race and big brother unquestionably. With out a doubt, every week. Ladies and gentlemen, lets get down to brass tax here. When your own life is not enough, we turn to watching peoples lives on the telly. Get up, go to Barnes and Noble and by a book for fucks sake. The Leather Stocking Tales by James Fenimore Cooper was the "soap opera" of its day, but we choose to loose brain cells watching idiot-a eat grubs for 2 weeks? Pretty soon, all of the good stuff will be lost and we will raise on high those that can find the most fucked up people and put them together in a situation, only to have a "Lord of the Flies" event take place. I like "The Running Man," do you?


Linkydinks said...

simma down now. some people read AND watch the crap...

s2 said...

I do watch several of these shows and I beleive there are positives that can found in the reality show format. In the case of Survivor and The Apprentice, these shows put people in situations that are out of the norm, and I find the social interactions, at times, can be interesting. You get to see the thought process of crazy people, and to me, aids in dealing with crazy people when confronted with them. In the case of Flava of Love, don't tell me a lady poopin' whilst standing in Flava's living room isn't hilarious.

I also must bring up 'regular' tv programming. Has the traditional sitcom or dramedy provided any benefit for society?

The crap on TV is meant to keep everyone busy so that they don't pay attention to real problems in our society. The same networks feeding America horsecrap are the same ones that are silent about commies murdering dissidents in China. They are not to be trusted and not to be taken seriously.

A bonus to the looming strike...NBC may run the O.G British Office.

p.s -

Chopper said...

Hey EdGrimley did you let CHopper post one of his Anger-Ranting on your site? I like it.

Oh yeah, S2 is an idiot.

Some of us can't read you elitist a@*-hole

Chopper said...

Finally we can watch America's Top Baby Fighter. Or Who Wants to be a douche-bag?