Thursday, September 18, 2008

You Should Say Thank You

There is a lot of despicable shit that goes on these days. From the thinking that one pres candidate may have been a Muslim is a check against him, to going after a VP candidates 17 year old daughter. I can put up with that because it is politics, and it is going to get much worse before and after the election. But this is absolutely wrong. You should be saying thank you to the United States for making 10 times more money in a year than most of the Black people that live here, along with dealing day to day with one of the most racially divisive countries in the western world. Hence, another reason that the NBA is a breeding ground for horrible people. From Ron Artest beating up a fan to that ref who rigged games. You can probably say these things for all of professional sports, but the fact of the matter is this...Getting paid millions of dollars to play a game when you havent even received a real education is one of the worst things you can do to someone. And the article linked is living proof of that. The quote from Mark Cuban is priceless. "We will work on that".

...we will be going through some advanced communication-skill sessions together this training camp

Advanced communication sessions? For goodness sake. This says to me that the NBA needs to teach their players how to act in public. And these are role models for the future? Aside from putting a showboating, non defensive, shitty product on the TV, the off the court antics are a joke. I am beginning to understand why this guy only sees a blank screen when a basketball game is on.


Muntaba Lambego said...

he should have stopped after saying [expletive], then i would be all for it there's enough nationalistic fervor already we could use some role models that don't inspire blind faith in all things labeled USA.

Anonymous said...

I think i found the root of the problem later in the article: "he is an occasional marijuana user". He must be evil.

Chopper said...

Why is this blog entry blank? There's nothing written there. Weird.