What is it with these people that makes them have to lose the cloths and then become criminals? When I was knocking over gas stations in college, we wanted to wear as many pieces of clothing as possible. Allegedly. When police made contact with the man, they noticed a wad of $412 concealed in his underwear
What an idiot robber. Stuffing a wad of bills down your drawers is not going to get you any chicks dude. Normal people use socks.The man told police he had been robbed of his clothing, but that the robber did not want the money or the cigarettes. He described the man as looking a lot like him and wearing the same clothes as him.
And what is dumber than that? I can honestly say that I have nothing funny to say to that....was first seen stealing a beer at the 7-Eleven on the corner of Lamb Boulevard and Washington Avenue about 8 a.m.
I may take to the whiskey at 530am before I go to work, but at least I pay for it...with cocaine...that I make in my apartment...with extra baking powder...for flavor. The rest of the second article is mostly not funny, except for the distance that the dude drove the bus. THe best part is in the comments. From Michelle, we get these two gems...
I'm following suit, it's too hot!!I need a beer and I need to drink it naked.
What do you guys expect with this heat?!
Is that man really the crazy one or are we?
Now that is laughing at a potentially dangerous situation. A drunk naked dude driving a city bus. Have to love Vegas.